Thursday, September 22, 2022

In Dreams

 Gosh last night i had the craziest experience. I laid down to take a nap at like 1 PM and woke up again at about 3 PM, i went shopping, had a whole..realistic day. In fact i went to bed and ended up going to lunch the next day.

I was experiencing a dream so realistic it felt like my own reality! I woke up at 10 PM and got yelled at by my mother for forgetting to walk my dog, but i can't help that i can't sleep properly. 

I mention this because of how uncomfortable it was, when i woke up it felt like i went blind because my room was totallyy black, and i left my tv off, but i also felt so panicked like i was ripped out of the real world and put somewhere else. 

It's always been like this though, in my head i have what i call my 'dreamscape', it's like a whole different world in my dreams, a place i can remember absolutely everytime i fall asleep. Specifically i always end up in this place called 'Dog-town' which i guess is how i think of the city i live in now? i remember dreaming i moved there from my hometown, like i did irl. Everything is so exaggerated, the city areas are bright and busy, yet the country is covered in trees and earth,fences and long long houses, bright green grass and grey sky. Everything feels so different yet so real? Like.. i don't dream of flying or being a rich person, i dream of what i do normally. Does this make me boring?

Commissions suck

 I know i end commissions in January, but i'm already so tired!

It's hard when you know most people just buy your commissions because they're so cheap. I often feel like i'm not getting any progress just doing them all the time, hence why i'm completely stopping them, i'm gonna miss my loyal buyers who always supported me, if you're reading this you know who you are lol. I'm so thankful regardless.

Anyway, today i was completely finishing up commission work and nearly took on some more because i needed ingredients for a meal, why must i push myself so far! It's fine though, i think i wanna make Spam Musubi?

Let me know what you think! or don't, that's like, totally awesome too!

1st Post

 I've always wanted a blog, and i feel like it'd be beneficial to create one of my own if i'd like to grow as an artist and creator.

So here's my first post with some of my goals

  1. I'd like to begin independent artwork and stop focusing on commissions
  2. I want to further grow my audience and gain my own community
  3. I want to produce my first webcomics, one-shots as well as full length multi-chapter artwork.
  4. I want to make my original artwork unique, further developing an individual style
  5. I want to interact with the art community more.

First post of 2023

 I completely forgot about my whole blog going on over here, i promise i won't neglect it again! So far.. I'm still at my seasonal j...