Thursday, September 22, 2022

1st Post

 I've always wanted a blog, and i feel like it'd be beneficial to create one of my own if i'd like to grow as an artist and creator.

So here's my first post with some of my goals

  1. I'd like to begin independent artwork and stop focusing on commissions
  2. I want to further grow my audience and gain my own community
  3. I want to produce my first webcomics, one-shots as well as full length multi-chapter artwork.
  4. I want to make my original artwork unique, further developing an individual style
  5. I want to interact with the art community more.
 Thank you so much to anyone who may decide to come visit my website! :)  I want this to be my active space, more posts to come. I plan to use this not only for art related talk, but also casual posts sharing my thoughts.

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